The business of everyday life can be overwhelming, making it easy to get swept away from what is truly important. Even the most organized individual can have trouble prioritizing their time, regardless of life’s situations. Time with God is often dropped to the bottom of the to-do list. Do you feel like there is no time for God in your schedule?
The morning alarm buzzes to push you into your schedule for the day. If there is an hour to relax somewhere, are you too tired to read the Bible or pray? Every day there are needs demanding your time. Whether or not you spend time with God may seem like it doesn’t matter.
Why is it so difficult to make time to spend time with God? First, it shouldn’t be a task to complete. It is a relationship to build so it becomes a time you want to spend with God. However, disciplining yourself to set a scheduled time is a good way to start. Spend this time with God reading your Bible, praying, and talking with God. That means sometimes you listening too.
Giving up time from your schedule to spend with God is a sacrifice. But the Bible says that if you draw close to Him, He will draw close to you (James 4:8). This means the more time you spend with God, the closer your relationship with Him will be. Soon this time will no longer feel like a chore or time taken away from your schedule. Instead, it will become a time you can’t live without.
Believe in God, have faith, and know that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). Check your schedule and ask God to show you how to better manage your time. It’s worth the sacrifice.