Praise the Lord Harvest Church Family 

It’s that time again when we all come together on one accord and consecrate ourselves before God to receive his leading, guiding, and blessing upon his church, and our families. 

We’re nearing the close of a year of growth and blessing and we want God to continue to pour out his spirit. 

As 2025 quickly approaches and we prepare for our annual consecration, please join me in praying, not for our own will to be done, but for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

In 2025, it is my purpose, passion, and prayer that the Lord will continue to teach us all to make disciples that make disciples that make disciples.

The annual consecration, which consists of fasting and praying during the month of January, will begin on January 6. We will abstain from ALL food and only drink water for the designated time periods. 

Week 1 January 6-8 (each day till 4 pm)

Week 2 January 13-15 (Mon till Tues 4 pm; Wed till 4 pm)

Week 3 January 20-22 (Mon till Tues 4 pm; Wed till 4 pm)

Week 4 January 27-29 (Mon till Wed 4 pm)

I encourage you to write down your own personal fasting prayer list. We will also corporately (as a church) fast for the following items each week.

Say to yourself, “I am fasting to…”

Week 1 

Maintain a disciplined, intentional, & daily prayer life

Week 2 

Cultivate a spiritually strong/healthy family unit.

Week 3 

Commit to disciplining at least one person in 2025.

Week 4 

Determine ways for me to personally impact my community through discipleship.

Please continue to pray for these four things throughout 2025. Great miracles, signs, and wonders will come as a result of our consecration. We are excited to see what God will do for you in 2025! God bless you.  

In His name and for His glory!

Pastor Rob

online service

church in your home

Wednesday Bible Study | 7 pm

Sunday School | 9:30 am

Sunday Worship | 11 AM